Friday, October 03, 2008

Chainsaw Manor

Its fun for me to look at all the silly/fun things in this painting, I must admit. The tower face was really fun to do without over doing but then again the whole thing is ridikulos. The window dormers were made out of oil drums cut and welded into shape. The mysticism of the builder showed in the various symbols all over the place. The weather vane is a sea gull rather than the traditional rooster. the birds were fun to get in flight. The boat and truck props were subordinate to the house but still visually compelling I thought. All in all I was happy to do it in one will get done again but maybe that will kill the spontaneity, who knows? I had a story but the creep factor won out and the story will tell itself, especially with Halloween coming up.


Cara said...

Is there a Halloween story behind the title? This is a wonderful painting. I blew it up and peeked in all the windows - beautiful!

Joan said...

Great job on this!!!! I wouldn't want to be there after dark........

Jeffrey J. Boron said...

A grand example of eccentricisity Ron!


Holly Lombardo said...

wowee! I HAVE been away from your blog for a LONG time! School has been SO busy! I hope all is well and how DO you jam so many great details in to this one!! amazing!!!

Ron Morrison said...

Thanks,Cara, actually the creep factor didn't really occur to me until I posted it. I called it the Chainsaw Manor because the guy who built it used a chainsaw being as logger and all.

Ron Morrison said...

Thanks, Joan, its creepy!

Ron Morrison said...

Thanks, Jeffrey, I'm a poor example...

Ron Morrison said...

Thanks, Holly, just playing around...