Monday, August 06, 2007

Listing to Starboard

Another old associate. Bink to gain greater insight.
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DarkWing said...

It's pure gold! I really like the color, it's very rich.

Clive said...

Hello Ron, long time no visit. It's been a busy month or two with work and recreation and family. Amazing stuff keeps going up. I will try and get down to the originals only if I can this weekend and say hello.

Clive said...

Um, by the way Ron, those forms kicking around; sign them and mail them asap...

William K. Moore said...

I like the simplified layout Ron. Allows more focus on the play of color (dominant yellow is cool - I mean warm). Car is rendered expertly as usual. Hey I almost forgot about clive.. guess he'll be ice fishing soon.. If there's any left....

k Madison Moore said...

There is something about the yellow and gold tones that made this car come alive. I love the expression on the face of the car.Wonderful usual!

bj said...

a little toothy grin and a sidewise glance - very nice

Michelle said...

Nice. Kinda looks like he's floating down a river of grass

Cara said...

I agree with NewNorth - this is pure gold - the 24Karat kind.

Ron Morrison said...

Thanks, N.N., rich is good.

Ron Morrison said...

Hi Clive.

Ron Morrison said...

Thanks W.K., I'm just fishing for stuff for the D.P.'s. Don't even check the numbers anymore just assume its red.

Ron Morrison said...

Thanks Madison, I probably should use golden hues more often.

Ron Morrison said...

Thanks B.J., I noticed that too.

Ron Morrison said...

Thanks Michelle, yes another in the Floating on Grass series.

Ron Morrison said...

Thanks Cara, actually digging up this old painting might cause me to use these colours more often.

Anonymous said...

Hi. First time visit. Was scrolling through as my husband looked over my shoulder. For his sake I had to start over and 'bink' each one. Great compositions, and handling of color.
Oh, and my husband says; "cool cars, great years!"

Ron Morrison said...

Thanks Silvina, fun to have you visit.

BoneDaddy said...

Finally made my way back up here!
I like how the rust looks on this one. It looks like the car has taken all th warmth from the sun and is holding it in.

Ron Morrison said...

Thanks Grimm, maybe I'll explore these colours a bit more.

DarkWing said...

i'm soo sad :(

Joan said...

Looks like this one's bobbing in the yellow grass!

Ron Morrison said...

Why so sad?

Ron Morrison said...

Hi Joan, its an old painting-just practicing.

DarkWing said...

no money and lots of stress :(